Harbor Hill Camping Area

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Harbor Hill Camping Area

Verified by it's Owner


Harbor Hill Camping Area is a private seasonal campground located just past downtown Meredith. Visit our website to fill out an application.

Make Harbor Hill Camping Area and the picturesque town of Meredith your summer home! Whether you are looking to stay all summer, or just a place to escape for the weekends - you will feel like family here at our seasonal campground.

When you are a seasonal camper at Harbor Hill, you have:

Access to two Meredith Town Beaches; Leavitt Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee & Waukewan Beach located on Lake Waukewan, located less than 2 miles from the campground.

Free access to 4 different boat launches, located with in 5 miles or less from the campground.

Numerous choices for parks, theatres, walking trails, concerts, restaurants, craft fairs, kayak launching, golfing, tennis and pickle ball & more!

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